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Helldivers 2 – Polar Patriots Warbond Goes Live on May 9th

Arrowhead Game Studios has unveiled the latest Premium Warbond for Helldivers 2, dubbed Polar Patriots, set to launch on May 9. This expansion features new gear optimized for cold environments, introducing fresh armor, weapons, emotes, and more. Watch the recently released trailer to get a glimpse of the updates.
This expansion includes innovative weaponry like the AR-61 Tenderizer, noted for its powerful impact albeit with a limited magazine capacity; the SMG-72 Pummeler, known for its slower discharge rate yet ability to disorient enemies; and the PLAS-101 Purifier, renowned for increasing damage output the longer the trigger is pressed.
Among the new secondary weaponry options are the G-13 Incendiary Impact, which disperses white phosphorus over a targeted area, and the P-113 Verdict, a semi-automatic pistol recognized for having the largest centrefire cartridge in its category. The Utility Booster entitled Motivational Shocks proves beneficial in combat against Terminid vomit assaults, though it shows diminished effectiveness with EMS generators.
The Polar Patriots pack also features three new armor sets, each designed with unique attributes: the CW-36 Winter Warrior enhances stealth capabilities and includes the Serve-Assisted passive; the CW-22 Kodiak, which comes with a Fortified passive for increased defense; and the CW-4 Arctic Ranger, noted for its utility belt filled with numerous pockets. The pack also includes three distinct cap styles.
Helldivers 2 has captured a significant audience, becoming the top-selling premium game of the year so far in the United States, and has been particularly popular on both PS5 and PC platforms.