Sony lost 2 Million PlayStation Plus Subscribers After Revamping the Service

Sony lost 2 Million PlayStation Plus Subscribers After Revamping the Service on PlayHub Top Blog

In April, Sony revamped its PlayStation Plus service, adding new features and increasing the price. The changes didn’t sit well with some subscribers, who have since cancelled their memberships.

Since the PlayStation Plus service launched in 2010, Sony has added new features and increased the price several times. The most recent price increase came in April when Sony doubled the price of a yearly subscription from $50 to $100. In addition, the company introduced fresh functionalities that enable users to participate in online multiplayer gaming and avail themselves of a collection of games offered at no cost.

In October of this year, Sony announced that it would be revamping its PlayStation Plus service. The changes included adding more games to the monthly lineup and giving subscribers access to exclusive discounts and bonuses. However, since the announcement, Sony has lost nearly 2 million PlayStation Plus subscribers.

The changes didn’t sit well with some subscribers, who have since canceled their memberships. Since the price hike two months ago, Sony has seen a decline of almost 2 million subscribers to its PlayStation Plus service.

The loss of PlayStation Plus subscribers to Sony, which has been banking on the service to drive sales of its new PlayStation 4 console. The console launched in November 2013 and has sold more than 7 million units.

PlayStation Plus is required for online multiplayer gaming on the PlayStation 4. With fewer subscribers, there will be fewer people playing online games on the console.

The loss of subscribers is a direct result of the changes to the service. Many gamers were unhappy with the decision to add more games to the monthly lineup, as it meant that they would have less time to play the games they already owned. Additionally, the exclusive discounts and bonuses were not enough to offset the increased price of the service.

Sony has been struggling to keep up with its competition in the console market, and the loss of PlayStation Plus subscribers is a direct result of that. The company needs to find a way to make its service more attractive to gamers, or it risks losing even more subscribers in the future.

The loss of subscribers also means that Sony will have to rely more on game sales to generate revenue. The company has already started to discount some of its popular games, such as “Infamous: Second Son” and “Killzone: Shadow Fall.”

Despite the loss of subscribers, Sony is still generating revenue from PlayStation Plus. The service has more than 20 million subscribers, which is up from 18 million. Sony also has a new, cheaper subscription option for people who only want to play online multiplayer games.

Sony’s PlayStation Plus subscriber loss is a setback, but it’s not a death knell for the service. The company still has a large base of subscribers, and it is making adjustments to keep them happy.

Lily Hall

An avid collector of vintage vinyl records, she spends her free time scouring thrift stores and estate sales for hidden gems, showcasing her appreciation for music and nostalgia.